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- @A@2Jackson + Stanley
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- 2
- 2Exclusive report by John K. Jackson and Bill Walker-Stanley about a ghostly
- 2aperition that has the whole of Wiltshire excited.
- 2
- 2The Wiltshire `Wizard Man' is becoming rather infamous around our
- 2village. With fourteen sightings already this phenomonum is becoming a
- 2regional attraction and has even got as far as making it into a well known
- 2local tour guide.
- 2The first sighting of the wizard was reported to local newspaper by local
- 2bar worker, Ian Metcalf. Although at the time most enthusiasts of these type
- 2of happenings were aprahensive, at least one enthusiast, Michael Burnes was
- 2willing to take on board Metcalf's tall tale. Burnes, who may be known to
- 2some of our readers, for his acurate comparison of the Berlin and Barkshire
- 2Mummies, made detailed notes with Metcalf on his floating `Wizard Man'
- 2(reproduced below). Burnes was encouraged by certain similarities in the
- 2floating wizard tale and that of previous floating sightings, in particular
- 2The Mad Woman, in Croyden and Friedrick, the floating Frankfurt Monk.
- 2
- 2Although reports of the wizard have varied a little some facts seem certain
- 2, as they have been varified by most of the experiencers:
- 2The `man' appears to be physically aged about late fifty, early sixties. He
- 2has long greying ginger hair, which protrudes from beneath a tall pointed
- 2yellow (or white) hat. All sighters reported he wore flowing robes (various
- 2colours, although blue is the most popular) with astrological symbols apon
- 2them. He floats at around 2-14 metres (although reports vary as much as 56
- 2metres, by an astronomy enthusiast with limited telescopic equipment) and
- 2is often surrouded by a weak auroa of light. The `man' is almost always
- 2silent, although one reporter told of him chanting and muttering and another
- 2told of how he actualy spoke to them, and asked for directions to the local
- 2Abbey. He has been seen in pointed slippers, which do, or do not curl up at
- 2the ends. Three reports talk of him holding a wand like implement. He has
- 2been sighted, almost always in fields (only 3 exceptions) across the whole
- 2county of Wiltshire.
- 2
- 2Local residents have began a `Keep the Wizard at Bay' campaign and a
- 2certain newspaper has even printed supposidly genuine pictures of the wizard
- 2(judge for yourself with the reproduction on this page).
- 2"We're very excited about the prospect of this ghostly resident", claims
- 2local priest Reverend Cartmel. "The chapel has certainly been busier since he
- 2came and we hope our magician (sic) friend stays about a bit longer. If ever
- 2he wants to drop by at the chapel theres always a place for him, and I
- 2promise that he won't be exorcised!"
- 2
- 2Here is an edited transcript of Ian Metcalf's interview with the first
- 2Wiltshire `Wizard Man' sighter, Michael Burnes:
- 2"Can you describe the events leading? up to your encounter?"
- 2"Well, it was kind of foggy, I was walking my dog, you see, on the hills, at
- 2night. I had just finished my supper so I would say the time was around 9:30
- 2pm when I saw it. I heard a bug, or a bat, it was high up anyway, thats what
- 2made me look up at the sky. Just before that my dog started acting all
- 2a-queer."
- 2"What was it doing?"
- 2"Well, I let my poodle, Jake off the lead and all of a sudden it ran wildy
- 2around me and started barking insanely at the sky."
- 2"Yes, I have heard of such happenings involving pets and their strange
- 2reaction to the `unknown'. What actualy drove Jake wild?"
- 2"Well, thats when I looked up and saw what was the most incredible sight I
- 2had ever seen in my lifetime, up till that point."
- 2"What exactly did you see?"
- 2"Well the moon was at full so I could see the Wizard quite clearly, it was
- 2dressed like a wizard, you know, like Merlin, or one of your modern day
- 2conjerors. He, or it had a pointy looking hat and a long cloak with odd
- 2patterns and shapes on it. I was startled by this, but in my confusion I
- 2think I spotted some stars and moonlike shapes on his cloak. The amazing
- 2thing about it was that he was floating many feet in the air, with no aid to
- 2make him that high."
- 2"How high?"
- 2"High. I would say about 3 metres above by head, it was really wierd."
- 2"Have there been any repurcussions to this event"
- 2"Well, I thing that perhaps Jake, my dog was perminantly scared by this
- 2event. He certainly isn't the same dog he once was."
- 2
- 2Wiltshire `Wizard Man` fact or fiction - you decide.
- 2
- 2Jackson/Stanley (c) 1995.
- X0*]